Cooking Queen Season-3
Subrina Hossain is dedicated to inspiring women in the UK so that they can act as a positive catalyst for their family, society and most importantly to this great country. She has pioneered women empowerment and made this one of her top priorities. It is due to her initiative and leadership that NTV has been engaging and showcasing talent of the women of all age demographics and backgrounds. She has inspired many women through her numerous recent projects those were beneficial for the community. NTV’s recent mega event “Cooking Queen Season-3” has rejuvenated and reconnected many women with the community and businesses through their active participation in this competition. Many women those who have participated in this competition have now either opened their own businesses or started working in partnership with prominent business leaders. Furthermore, it has observed that many participants of that competition have now actively engaged themselves to many relevant volunteering activities that are beneficial for the British society.

Subrina Hossain has been encouraging many others similarly. She is a phenomenal leader and a champion of women empowerment. She has attended as a key note speaker to many workshops and seminars dedicated to women empowerment.

Stand with Ukraine

Russia’s invasion to Ukraine has displaced millions of people from their homes and loved ones. This terrible incident has traumatized millions of people. It is our moral obligation to help the Ukraine refugees and others affected by this dreadful tragedy. NTV Europe has been trying to raise awareness through news and talk-shows regarding this issue. Subrina Hossain being the CEO of NTV Europe, has played an active role behind this campaign to keep our community updated with the latest news related to Ukraine-Russia war and to make the Ukrainian refugees feel welcome to the UK. She is committed to continue her work further on this important issue.

Help Your Mosque project and other interfaith initiatives

The dreadful Covid-19 pandemic has affected every organisation and community. Mosque and many other religious establishments depend financially on the charitable donations from the worshippers. As we are aware that there have been restrictions owing to Covid-19, therefore, only very limited number of worshippers had the accessibility to the mosques, church, temple, synagogue and so on. This has obviously affected the income and subsequently left the future of our religious establishments into limbo. NTV Europe has rightly understood this concern and decided to stand beside our places of worships and religious establishments at such difficult time. Under the capable leadership of NTV Europe’s CEO Subrina Hossain, a dedicated team worked relentlessly to raise fund and financially help those affected religious institutions.

Subrina Hossain has been supporting various community projects including supporting this religious and interfaith initiatives. As stated before, efficient functioning of the religious institutions would require significant financial support. However, it is difficult for the mosque and other places of worships to have financial resilience without support from the community leaders and other various relevant organisations. Due to the capable leadership of Subrina Hossain, NTV has been giving necessary support for fundraising for mosques. Many faith organisations have raised adequate fund due to her relentless support, guidance, and advice. It has most certainly helped local faith organisations.
The European-Bangladeshi diasporas in Britain

Many European-Bangladeshi diasporas have settled in the UK recently for more prosperous life for themselves and for their children as Britain can offer better living standard than many other European countries. To prosper as a society, it is ultimately our collective responsibility to help those individuals and their families to integrate seamlessly into British culture and its doctrines.

Under the capable leadership of Subrina Hossain, NTV Europe has been wholeheartedly helping many welfare organisations that represent such diasporas i.e., All European Bangladeshi Association (AEBA), Italian-Bangladeshi Welfare Association and many more. Subrina Hossain has been a vocal advocate for those organisations and personally provided necessary guidance, tools, and platforms to learn English language, British culture, values and other necessary skills paramount for integration and attainment in Britain. From the testimony of many European-Bangladeshi diasporas, it is crystal clear that Subrina Hossain’s constant support and guidance have genuinely helped them to integrate, settle and thrive in the prosperous Britain. Furthermore, she has also helped them to contribute culturally and socioeconomically to the British community. Subrina Hossain has kindly allowed those diasporas to use NTV Europe’s global presence to promote beneficial activities so that European-Bangladeshi diasporas can contribute positively for the British society.

She has been meeting leaders of those organisations on regular basis to listen to their concerns and to guide them through any challenges. She has also visited many forums in the UK, Italy, France, and other European countries to promote the welfare of the European-Bangladeshi community. She is determined to carry out further such beneficial activities for the community.
NTV Presents Business Friends of NTV to Support Local Businesses
Subrina successfully patronised an event called “Business Friends of NTV” that recognises business leaders, their innovation and input for the benefit of the British society.